
Racism and ethnic discrimination


Racism and ethnic discrimination



The aim of this section is to introduce the basic vocabulary and concepts in the fields of ‘race’ and racism, and ethnicity and ethnic discrimination. After completing this section, you will:
• be able to define basic terms for the categorisation of people into groups that leads to ethnic discrimination and racism;
• understand the importance of power in establishing and perpetuating racism;
• understand personal limitations and advantages for addressing issues of ethnic discrimination and racism.


  • Racism and ethnic discrimination

Gauk veiklos ženkliuką

Racism and ethnic discrimination Gauk šį ženkliuką

The badge holder knows what leads to ethnic discrimination and racism, understands the importance of power in establishing and sustaining racism, and understands the personal limits and strengths of addressing issues of ethnic discrimination and racism.
Norėdami gauti ženkliuką, turite atlikti 1 užduotį
Užduotis nr.1
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
Take the Racism and Ethnic Discrimination Quiz at the external link.
As proof, please write in your answer that you have completed the quiz.
Užduotis nr.2
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
The figure shows 4 different combinations of preserving one's culture and adapting to the host society. All these processes are always two-sided. Both the dominant culture and the ethnic minority participate in the intercultural space and adopt the posture that suits them best. Both groups should adapt and change. But unfortunately, power is not evenly distributed between the groups, which brings its own dynamics to each society.

Which of the following do you think youth workers should aspire to and promote, and why?
Užduotis nr.3
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
An ethnic community identifies itself, or is identified by others, as a group of people linked by a common culture and other factors such as language, shared history, cohesion and religion.
Ethnic discrimination is different and usually worse treatment of a person from a particular ethnic group, based on ethnic origin. Discrimination occurs in all areas, including schooling, finding housing, finding a job and then at work, accessing services, including healthcare. As a result of discrimination, persons belonging to ethnic minorities suffer from multiple consequences, including poverty, poorer health, lower education and substandard living conditions. All this is accompanied by a low level of participation in decision-making processes at local and national levels.
Do you know someone from an ethnic minority? How do you talk to young people about ethnic discrimination?


#Skatinti jaunimą reflektuoti ir keistis idėjomis tokiais klausimais kaip solidarumas, socialinis teisingumas, žmogaus teisių gynimas/skatinimas, diskriminacija, orumas ir lygybė
#Avoids using methods which implicitly reinforce stereotypes and discrimination
#Atsižvelgti į neformaliojo ugdymo principus ir juos taikyti kuriant programą, ypatingą dėmesį skiriant „jaunimo orientacijai“, „skaidrumui“, „demokratinėms vertybėms“, „dalyvavimui“, „įgalinimui“ ir „socialinei transformacijai“
#advocate for human rights
#advocate social relationships
#arrange youth activities
#Adopts appropriate behaviour that respects ethical boundaries within a given group of learners
#arrange youth programmes
Pasiruošimas darbui ir karjerai
Pridėjo į grojaraštį (1)
Laikas pabaigti: 45 minutės


Forum za enakopraven razvoj

Panaudota grojaraščiuose

Online training on intersectional discrimination in youth work
Forum za enakopraven razvoj
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