This playlist aims to help you learn about game design. Especially if you are an educator who wants to apply a game design process as an educational tool, it will guide you through the different steps to follow. It pretends to be a resource to reinforce a good implementation of this tool, promoting social inclusion and critical thinking among the participants.
It addresses the power of games, how to use them as an educational tool, how to be a good supporter in game design processes, the skills required and the different ways to use the tool. In addition, from the Game On project we focus on the relationship between game design and inclusion. The entire last section addresses how games and processes can be inclusive, what competencies for inclusion can be developed and how to achieve this.
Complete playlist activities to learn about:
1. Games
1.1 The power of games
1.2 Games and their characteristics
1.3 GBL, gamification and game design
2. Facilitating a game design process
2.1 Steps
2.2 Dynamization of a game design process
2.3 Facilitating competences
3. Methodology models of game design as an educational tool (MeMos)
4. Games and inclusion
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Inclusive and exclusive games
4.3 Game design for inclusion
4.4 Competencies about inclusion developed through game design
Follow the next playlist activities to develop your understanding of game design for inclusion.
The international partnership “GameOn” created this playlist to promote inclusion, participation and critical thinking through game design. Learn more about this partnership here.
Expert partners:
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Activities to complete
Complete the following activities, earn badges and you will see your playlist progress updated
This activity will help you learn about the different methodological models when implementing an educational game design process.
Based on our research, the GameOn partners developed seven methodological models (MeMos). The seven categories are divided into: participative, transformative, collaborative, formative, curricular, mixing and consultative methodologies. We asked 23 facilitators of game design and interviewed some of them in the podcast series “Unfolding Game Design” where we got to know more about the different approaches used in the game design journey.
We identified the following game design approaches that vary in the participation level and their application context. You can explore and download them in different languages: ENG, CAT, IT, LIT, SRB, ESP.
The international partnership “GameOn” created this playlist to promote inclusion, participation and critical thinking through game design. Learn more about this partnership here.
Expert partners:
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Get activity badge
GameON: Methodology models of game design as an educational tool (MeMos) Get this badge
Owners of this badge learned more about the methodology models of game design as an educational tool (MeMos), and reflected upon the existing game design practice and their own experience.
The evidence of completing this activity is included in the badge and was reviewed and verified by the organisers.
This activity is part of the wider educational effort of the international partnership “GameOn” to promote inclusion, participation and critical thinking through game design. Learn more about this partnership here. Uzdevumi
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Take a look on the different MeMos. Share your thoughts on the following questions to earn the activity badge:
- Could the different game design models be used in your educational work with your target group?
- What model will fit you the more when implementing a game design process? Why?