Inclusive game design

Marseille, France

Inclusive game design

Marseille, France


This Tool to Explore series of workshops will present the process of creating training modules about GAME DESIGN as tool for inclusion together with the final products and lessons learned by partners. There are 4 different training modules developed by partners in four different countries, which were tested with different target groups: youth workers, educators/trainers and teachers. The TTE will focus on exploring the power of games and game design in fostering inclusion of young people.
Another tool that will be presented is Methodology Models which were developed in the first phase of the project and served as basis for creating the modules. Methodology Models encompass different approaches to using game design in education, focusing on different levels of youth participation in the process and on competences that are gained through each of the models.
The TTE will have an introduction workshop to the tools (training modules and Methodology Models) and the process of their creation. On the second workshop the focus will be on inclusion and game design. The workshop will be more experiential, using methods developed in the frame of the training modules. The third workshop would focus on competences of youth workers and educators to implement game design process in order to foster inclusion in working with young people.

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This Tool to Explore series of workshops will present the process of creating training modules about GAME DESIGN as tool for inclusion together with the final products and lessons learned by partners. There are 4 different training modules developed by partners in four different countries, which were tested with different target groups: youth workers, educators/trainers and teachers. The TTE will focus on exploring the power of games and game design in fostering inclusion of young people.
Another tool that will be presented is Methodology Models which were developed in the first phase of the project and served as basis for creating the modules. Methodology Models encompass different approaches to using game design in education, focusing on different levels of youth participation in the process and on competences that are gained through each of the models.
The TTE will have an introduction workshop to the tools (training modules and Methodology Models) and the process of their creation. On the second workshop the focus will be on inclusion and game design. The workshop will be more experiential, using methods developed in the frame of the training modules. The third workshop would focus on competences of youth workers and educators to implement game design process in order to foster inclusion in working with young people.
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Marseille, France



#creative thinking
#collaborate for social inclusion
Creativiteit en design
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Tijd om te voltooien: 4 uren 30 minuten


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