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MY STEP FORWARD: Learn something


MY STEP FORWARD: Learn something



We learn on every step, every day. Learning is important for all living beings! Babies star to learn before they are even born.

But learning as a process, has had all manner of scientists in big disputes. And in the end, the all agree, that "learning" is not just "one thing". In their handbook "Learning to learn - Handbook for facilitators" P. Kloosterman and M. E. Taylor say that "The more you think, talk and read about ‘learning’ the more you realise what a complex thing it is. It’s not a simple process that is easily planned and then just carried out step by step. There are many dimensions involved when people learn. Learning is about growing, about change."

But another level of learning is learning in group. "When there are no others involved the risk is that the decisions taken are solely based on the self-perception of the learner. Although people might know themselves best still we
have a limited view on ourselves" the authors of the L2L Handbook authors say.


Use the knowledge and kill set of your group and learn something new. It can be one person teaching the rest of you. You can go in pairs and teach each others. You can also all together choose 1 thing none of you (yet) knows wel enough and learn it together. You are open to do whatever, but if you get stuck, here are some examples:
  • Learn a (new) salsa move.
  • Learn a tongue twister in another language.
  • Learn a (new) communication technique you can use in your work.

What is important for us, that you reflect on your learning. Use the following questions:
  • How did you start to learn? Did you make a plan or did you just start doing?
  • Which different approaches to learning did you choose and why?
  • Are you satisfied with how far you got?
  • What were the difficult moments?
  • How did you try to overcome these moments?
  • Did you look at the others? Did they have different strategies?
  • Can you connect this experience to how you normally learn?
  • How do you think you can further improve?
  • What would be your next steps?

The pictures above are taken from the HANDBOOK for facilitators in fostering L2L Competence by P. Kloosterman and M. E. Taylor.

This is one out of 9 activities, created for the "Walk with challenges" workshop that took place during the "My step forward" training course, organised by Socialna akademija and its partners and co-funded by Erasmus+. The training course took part in Celje, Slovenija, between 7th and 14th of July 2022. Still, this activity is part of the learning playlist that can be used by anybody, anytime. So gather a group and take a walk ... with challenges... and ... make your FIRST STEP FORWARD!

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Learn something Få dette merket

Recipient of this badge participated in practical group exercise where he/she used his/hers knowledge and skill set and that of a group to learn something new and teach other something too. Afterwards he/she took part in reflection, discussing the following questions:
  • How did you start to learn? Did you make a plan or did you just start doing?
  • Which different approaches to learning did you choose and why?
  • Are you satisfied with how far you got?
  • What were the difficult moments?
  • How did you try to overcome these moments?
  • Did you look at the others? Did they have different strategies?
  • Can you connect this experience to how you normally learn?
  • How do you think you can further improve?
  • What would be your next steps?

Bevis bekreftet av: selvgodkjenning
Participate in activity and prove it:
  • Share a photo/video or
  • Describe what you did.
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Tid på å fullføre: 15 minutter


Socialna akademija

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Socialna akademija
Opprettet på Ljubljana City of Learning
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