
The Ultimate Guide to Become a Great Facilitator

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The Ultimate Guide to Become a Great Facilitator



Becoming a great facilitator is one of the key factors of your idea/project's success. Effective facilitation not only provides you methods and skills to plan and implement a dialogue activity (event, workshop, training, conference, online meeting, etc.) but also assists you in inspiring others around you, building your tribe and getting powerful partners and networks.

Learn how to build an effective facilitation process to make visible the attitudes, interests and needs of youth, to strengthen your participation on all political levels, and to impact the political decision-making.

Explore how to clarify your vision and mission, to which conditions you should pay attention and how to get in contact with relevant people. Study numerous methods for getting started, methods for exchanging opinions, experiences and ideas and methods for reflecting and moving forward. Understand what we consider to be useful in terms of caring for results and follow-ups.

Additional, the playlist 'The Ultimate Guide to Become a Great Facilitator' is a great opportunity to learn about the EU Youth Dialogue, which is the dialogue with young people and youth organisations involving policy and decision-makers, as well as experts, researchers and other relevant civil society actors. The dialogue aims to support continuous joint reflection and consultation on the priorities, implementation and follow-up of European cooperation in the field of youth. Furthermore, the playlist supports you to create an activity and run a youth dialogue on the topic of your interest (for instance, Mental health, Sustainability, Participation, Non-formal learning and Inclusion).

@The playlist 'The Ultimate Guide to Become a Great Facilitator' has been inspired and created on the basis of the 'Toolbox: Dialogue activities to implement the Youth Goals together' (Natalie Lehner and Martin Kitzberger,, © 2020 Youth Goals Lab).

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Your goals vs. Youth Goals: You are not alone!
45 minutos
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#exert result-oriented leadership
#desenvolvimento pessoal
#Global Youth Skill
#assumir papel de liderança
#planeamento estratégico
Atividades: 5
Iniciado em: 6
Playlist concluída em: 0
Tempo para completar: 4 horas 15 minutos


Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
A Badgecraft é a anfitriã desta plataforma e desenvolve-a em conjunto com as principais organizações educativas. O programa Erasmus+ da União Europeia concedeu um cofinanciamento para a construção da primeira versão desta plataforma. Contacto:
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Cofinanciado pelo programa Erasmus+ da União Europeia