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Life of Loki

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Life of Loki



Sometimes it's nice to get lost in a bit of the old history of the mythologies that exists here in this world. Norse mythology is one of them that is often depicted in a lot of movies and other forms of fiction.
One character we often see come up is Loki. In the mythology he shows up a lot, but you rarely get to know much about him. Here you can get to learn more about the trickster himself, Loki, God of trickery.

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Sometimes it's nice to get lost in a bit of the old history of the mythologies that exists here in this world. Norse mythology is one of them that is often depicted in a lot of movies and other forms of fiction.
One character we often see come up is Loki. In the mythology he shows up a lot, but you rarely get to know much about him. Here you can get to learn more about the trickster himself, Loki, God of trickery.
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