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Bakuriani, Georgia
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Bakuriani, Georgia


Youth Exchange “Eco-preneurs. It's time to make Social Impact Lab” will bring together representatives of youth organizations, youth workers, young leaders and active young people from 6 countries: Latvia, Georgia, Poland, Spain, Belarus and Ukraine YE will be implemented with active use of the principles of non-formal learning & education method, such as: getting started with energizers, brainstorming sessions, active discussion and experience sharing, working in diverse groups, role-plays and etc. Project will take place in Bakuriani/Georgia and most of the activities will be done there. We will have a team reflections in different ways after sessions in the evening and final evaluation.

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Youth Exchange “Eco-preneurs. It's time to make Social Impact Lab” will bring together representatives of youth organizations, youth workers, young leaders and active young people from 6 countries: Latvia, Georgia, Poland, Spain, Belarus and Ukraine YE will be implemented with active use of the principles of non-formal learning & education method, such as: getting started with energizers, brainstorming sessions, active discussion and experience sharing, working in diverse groups, role-plays and etc. Project will take place in Bakuriani/Georgia and most of the activities will be done there. We will have a team reflections in different ways after sessions in the evening and final evaluation.
Task no.1
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Bakuriani, Georgia
Mediu și ecologie
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Time to complete: 7 zile


Young Folks LV
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