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Literacy competence

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Literacy competence



Literacy competence is the ability to understand and express
thoughts, feelings and facts orally, in writing or in other
forms, and to interact with others. It is the basis for further
learning. The openness to critical and constructive dialogue
and the awareness on the impact of language on others are
important elements of this competence.

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Literacy competence Obțineți această insignă

The volunteer has reflected on what has learned related to this competence until now
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: auto-aprobare
  • What kind of opportunities did you have to express yourself in writing? How do you feel about this?
  • When and how did you adapt your language to different people you were talking to?
  • How did communicating in a foreign language influence your communication in your mother tongue? Did that change the way you look at your own language?
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Cazalla Intercultural

Used in playlists

I am Volunteer, P-action Volunteer!
Cazalla Intercultural
Creat pe Lorca City of Learning
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