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Characters and conflicts (video)

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Characters and conflicts (video)



This video was originally created in a language other than English. You can watch the video with English subtitles or read the content of the video in this file.

Any good story always contains a few mandatory elements. And one of the most important ones is to choose a character. In this video you will learn what the structure of a good story should look like, how to choose or create your main character, why you need conflicts in any story and how to build them.

Irina Leu has more than eight years of experience working with stories and text, creating advertising ideas, and slogans. She spent a couple of years developing educational mobile apps and chatbots. Irina regularly works as trainer for NGOs on how to better present their work, how to say what you really want to say, and finally — how to create empowering stories that captivate and touch.


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I know how to choose or create a main character and how to build conflicts.

Task no.1
Evidence verified by: un organizator al activității
Think about the main character of your story and describe them in a few sentences. If this is a real person, it's a little easier – you don't have to compose. If it is a fictional character, then it should be properly thought out.


#evaluate character
Creativitate și design
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Time to complete: 10minute



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