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Knowing the Magic Club

Blackpool FY1 2PZ, UK
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Knowing the Magic Club

Blackpool FY1 2PZ, UK


We want to find out what you know and for you to be proactive to find out more about the Magic Club.

Obțineți insigna de activitate

Knowing the Magic Club Obțineți această insignă

The owner of this badge has completed the required 4 tasks for this playlist activity ‘Knowing the Magic Club’ as part of the Peer Educators Induction Playlist which includes:
● Demonstrating an understanding of what the Magic Club is, its activities and its aims and objectives.
● Shared their personal highlights of participating in the Magic Club activities
● Researched the clubs policies and procedures.
● Identified how the club is funded.

The holder of this badge has researched, shared and provided evidence that demonstrates a greater understanding of the club, its aims and objectives, guiding documents and funding.
Completing this activity is one out of six required activities and a part of the Magic Clubs Peer Educators Induction Playlist.

You have to finish all tasks to get the badge
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: un organizator al activității
Task 1: What is the Magic Club? What are the aims, objectives and activities of the organisation?
Task no.2
Evidence verified by: un organizator al activității
Task 2: What have you experienced at the Magic Club and what has been the highlight of your participation?
Task no.3
Evidence verified by: un organizator al activității
Task 3: Find out three important policies and procedures that may help you as a Peer Educator at the Magic Club?
Task no.4
Evidence verified by: un organizator al activității
Task 4: How is the Magic Club funded?


Blackpool FY1 2PZ, UK


#research topics
#organisational policies
#funding methods
Dezvoltare personala
Adăugat la lista de redare (1)
Time to complete: 2ore


Magic Club

Used in playlists

Peer Educators Induction Playlist
Magic Club
Creat pe Blackpool City of Learning
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