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Curaçao Innovathon 2024

Tuesday, August 6, 2024 10:00
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Curaçao Innovathon 2024

Tuesday, August 6, 2024 10:00


The goal of this Ideation Hackathon is:

“To bring people together to brainstorm and create practical ideas using digital technology for a sustainable future in Curaçao.”

Together with the innovation community, we aim to:

  • Address societal, economic, and environmental challenges
  • Spark creativity and innovation in kids
  • Shaping a thriving innovation village

The central theme is “Creating a Sustainable Digital Future for Everyone.” We aim to leverage digital innovation to empower our community and build a sustainable future for Curaçao.

Teams choose one of the following sub-themes:

Digital Society: Focus on bridging the digital divide and create a more inclusive online world. Brainstorm ideas for a community platform that tackles social or business issues, improves access to government services, or empowers local businesses.
Digital Green Economy: Focus on how to achieve sustainable economic growth through innovation. Design digital solutions to support local businesses, encourage sustainable practices, or connect entrepreneurs with resources.
Innovation Community: Focus on involving the community in the realization of a phsyical innovation hub for collaboration and creativity. Propose specific initiatives, events, and programs that can attract diverse participants, including underrepresented groups in the tech and innovation sectors.
The Ideation Hackathon 2024 is a hybrid event consisting of three rounds:
  • Round 1: problem statement
  • Round 2: solution ideation
  • Demo/presentation to Jury

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Curaçao Innovathon 2024 Obțineți această insignă

The goal of this Ideation Hackathon is:

“To bring people together to brainstorm and create practical ideas using digital technology for a sustainable future in Curaçao.”

Together with the innovation community, we aim to:

  • Address societal, economic, and environmental challenges
  • Spark creativity and innovation in kids
  • Shaping a thriving innovation village

The central theme is “Creating a Sustainable Digital Future for Everyone.” We aim to leverage digital innovation to empower our community and build a sustainable future for Curaçao.

Teams choose one of the following sub-themes:

Digital Society: Focus on bridging the digital divide and create a more inclusive online world. Brainstorm ideas for a community platform that tackles social or business issues, improves access to government services, or empowers local businesses.
Digital Green Economy: Focus on how to achieve sustainable economic growth through innovation. Design digital solutions to support local businesses, encourage sustainable practices, or connect entrepreneurs with resources.
Innovation Community: Focus on involving the community in the realization of a phsyical innovation hub for collaboration and creativity. Propose specific initiatives, events, and programs that can attract diverse participants, including underrepresented groups in the tech and innovation sectors.
The Ideation Hackathon 2024 is a hybrid event consisting of three rounds:
  • Round 1: problem statement
  • Round 2: solution ideation
  • Demo/presentation to Jury

Task no.1
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#communicate in digital environments
Technology and computers
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Time to complete: 2ore


Curaçao Innovation & Technology Institute (CITI)
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