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Get to know Art

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Get to know Art



The Get to art-Playlist lets you actively participate in art as well as experience art as a participant. You will do a simple research into one artist or group of artists and you will share your experiences and knowledge with others. You will create a personal portfolio via the badge tasks in order to record your learning experiences.The assessment of your evidence for your badge duties is done by Breakthrough youth workers.
Photo (C) by Kosygin Leishangthem

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Art: Get inspired!
Unknown duration
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Share your creative skills with others!What to do:We know for sure that you have creative skills or knowledge that you can share with others. You can do this by giving a short activity, presentation or workshop where you share your skill or knowledge with others. You then write a short review about your activity yourself.This is an activity that you can perform independently or with a group of friends.

Obțineți insigna de activitate

Trigger creativity in others Obțineți această insignă

The owner of this badge has shared his own creative skills or knowledge with others through delivering an activity, presentation or workshop. A short review has also been written about the given activity.
You have to finish all tasks to get the badge
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: un organizator al activității
Describe at least 1 creative skill and / or knowledge you have.
Task no.2
Evidence verified by: un organizator al activității
Give a short activity, presentation or workshop to at least 1 other person about your creative skill or knowledge.
Task no.3
Evidence verified by: un organizator al activității
After giving the activity: write a short review about your activity with a maximum of 300 characters. You can optionally share this on social media and add a screenshot as proof for this task. But just writing a piece of text in this badge field is also ok.


#discuss artwork
#creative thinking
#present reports
#share information
#research topics
#creating artwork
Activități: 4
Started: 4
Listă de activități finalizată: 0


Eastern Cape Region of Learning
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