We invite you to take some time to explore all competences by completing self-assessment of your own competences.
The YOCOMO online self-assessment tool is based on the ETS competence model for youth workers to work internationally, which allows the users to perform a self-assessment in 9 competence areas, on their level of behaviours, knowledge, skills and attitudes. It offers visualisation of their results, as well as a possibility to upload evidence of their competence and enter reflection notes.
Click on the link: https://satool.salto-youth.net/ and enter the self-assessment. You will be asked to signup and create a profile first. This will allow you to come back to your self-assessment results after some time.
Watch the video below to get some tips on how to use the self-assessment tool.
You can choose to complete assessment within few or all competence areas. Please do it BEFORE the residential training taking place on 20-21 July 2023 in Lisbon.
Self-assessment of ETS youth worker competences Получить бейдж
This badges confirms that I completed the self-assessment process of one or few competence areas by using the YOCOMO Self-assessment tool, linked to the ETS Competence Model for Youth Workers to work internationally.
To get this badge I shared with organisers what are are major competence development areas.
This badge is part of the badge portfolio on learning about the ETS Competence model. The activity was organised by the Centro de Juventude de Lisboa | Lisbon Youth Centre in cooperation with the SALTO Training and Cooperation Resource Centre.
Badgecraft размещает эту платформу и разрабатывает ее вместе с ведущими образовательными организациями. Программа Европейского Союза Erasmus+ выделила софинансирование для создания первой версии этой платформы. Свяжитесь с support@badgecraft.eu.