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Stonecutter: Steps to setting up a youth club

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Stonecutter: Steps to setting up a youth club

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Setting up a youth club needs several steps to be considered. Check out the check lists and start planning ahead!

This way you can participate in the playlist and the individual activities:

  • Log in (or create a free account if you are using the platform for the first time).
  • Click on "participate" in the playlist. The playlist is now saved in your account and you can view your progress.
  • Look at the individual activities in the playlist. Click on participate to start the activity. Read through the activity and engage with the tasks and learning experiences. You will find all the websites and documents mentioned under 'materials' in the activity.
  • For each activity you complete, you will receive a digital badge: upload a proof, e.g. a photo or a screenshot, or write your answer to a question in the text field.


Pridobite značko aktivnosti

Steps to setting up a youth club Pridobi to značko

The owner of this badge has completed the required tasks required for “Steps to set up a youth club” activity which forms a part of the learning playlist “How to set up a youth club”. The skills, knowledge and attitudes gained and demonstrated through completing these tasks include:

  • Getting an overview of all the steps that are necessary to set up a youth club.
  • Start working on the different tasks on the check lists.
  • Becoming aware of the work that is ahaed of them and make a plan on how to manage all the steps.

Completing these tasks means they have successfully worked to gain the “Steps to set up a youth club” badge and are now on their way towards achieving the overall “How to set up a youth club” badge.

Da pridobiš značko, moraš opraviti 1 nalogi
Naloga št.1
Dokaze preveril: En organizator dejavnosti
In the check lists you can see that there are many steps to go to set up your own youth club. It might seem a bit overwhelming but just take your time and do one step after another. You can choose your own order, too. So let's start! Download both check lists and make a plan:

With which three steps do you want to start? How are you going to do it?

Share your ideas in the text field below.
Naloga št.2
Dokaze preveril: En organizator dejavnosti
You already started to implement some plans and ideas? Great!

Share your experiences and achievements in the text field below!
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Youth Work Ireland Midlands

Uporabljeno v seznamu predvajanja

(Volunteers) Stonecutter - How to set up a youth club
Youth Work Ireland Midlands
Ustvarjeno na Youth Work Ireland Midlands Region of Learning
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