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Blooming Gorgeous

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Blooming Gorgeous

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In this activity you will learn what makes a flower attractive to a bee and how to choose the best flowers to sow in your bee-friendly container.

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In this activity you will learn what makes a flower attractive to a bee and how to choose the best flowers to sow in your bee-friendly container.
Zadatak broj1
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Participate in activity
Task 1 - Do some research on the most suitable types of flowers for attracting bees and pollinators.  You may wish to visit a website such as https://www.rhs.org.uk/science/conservation-biodiversity/wildlife/plants-for-pollinators for ideas.
Task 2 - Find the information needed to answer the following questions. What features in a flower would make it appealing to a bee? Do different types of bee prefer different flowers and if so why might that be the case? How much light will your flower need?


#insect studies
#growing of plants
Životna sredina i ekologija
Dodato na plejlistu (1)
Vreme za završetak: 1 sat
Podelite :


Urban Organic

Koristi se u plejlistama

Bee a hero
Urban Organic
Kreirano na Blackpool City of Learning
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