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Sport Unites People

Greci 227225, Romania
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Sport Unites People

Greci 227225, Romania
Pridruži se


You will play footbal în teames.You will learn to fallow the rules of the game,respect,fair play to respect his oponent to cope with the presiune of the game

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Sport Unites People Preuzmi ovu značku znanja

You will play footbal în teames.You will learn to fallow the rules of the game,respect,fair play to respect his oponent to cope with the presiune of the game
Zadatak broj1
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you have to play football for 90 minute and sent the picture whith the result the game


Greci 227225, Romania
Sportovi i aktivan stil života
Dodato na plejlistu (1)
Vreme za završetak: 45 minuta
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