Participants have learned and practiced applying the Business Model Canvas to their startup Business.
This includes developing, identifying and describing the following building blocks of the startup:
- Key Resources
- Key Partners
- Value Proposition
- Customer Relationships
- Channels
- Customer Segments
- Cost Structure
- Revenue Streams
Preuzmi značku znanja aktivnosti
Participants have learned and practiced applying the Business Model Canvas to their startup Business.
This includes developing, identifying and describing the following building blocks of the startup:
- Key Resources
- Key Partners
- Value Proposition
- Customer Relationships
- Channels
- Customer Segments
- Cost Structure
- Revenue Streams
Izdato od strane organizatora ili skeniranjem QR koda
The badge earner has participated in round one of the Startup Launchpad Program
Riffort Village 503, Willemstad, Curaçao