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Assisstant Trainers' Learning Journey

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Assisstant Trainers' Learning Journey

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This is the map of the learning journey of the Trainer Assistants of the Hungarian NGO, the Academy of Experience.
This map provides you an opportunity to:
  • have and overview of the possible learning opportunities offered by the organization
  • see what learning opportunitites are recommended by the organization (organized by others)
  • follow your learning on programs as assistant trainer

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Assisstant Trainers' Learning Journey Preuzmi ovu značku znanja

This is the map of the learning journey of the Trainer Assistants of the Hungarian NGO, the Academy of Experience.
This map provides you an opportunity to:
  • have and overview of the possible learning opportunities offered by the organization
  • see what learning opportunitites are recommended by the organization (organized by others)
  • follow your learning on programs as assistant trainer
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Élményakadémia - Academy of Experiences
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