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iiii-Fest 2019

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iiii-Fest 2019

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Professionals, Entrepeneurs, Scholars, Students and alike, join us @ iiii-Fest 2019 to become one of the Future-Oriented-Persons (FOP’s) which our world so desperately needs. Expect a dazzling array of workshops, seminars, brainstorms, hands-on-labs, contests, exhibitions and more, including our Gala Dinner at this inspiring globally-connected event. Join iiii-Fest 2019 to become empowered!
Information – information exchange, learn-by-doing & more…Information is the essential building block of our future – whether we like it or not. Information & Communication Technology (ICT) is the key to that future. Learn & experience how ICT allows us to create many NEW jobs as well asimprove the quality of our lifes – with the success of smartphones as an example.
Interaction – meet, engage, unite, collaborate, communicate & more…Internet & smart devices allows us to interact in different ways, to broaden our horizon from a mostly local-focus towards global opportunities & challenges. South Africa has a huge potential to become an important player on a global scale. Lets make sure we unlock this great nation and its tremendous power.
Innovation – Internet of Things (IoT) – Internet Commerce & more…Be prepared for the future, prepare yourself for change, alteration, revolution, transformation, metamorphosis, reorganisation, restructuring, rearrangement. Learn & experience what innovation will mean for you & your organisation, be part of the evolutionary and even disruptive forces during iiii-Fest 2019.
Incubation – prepare, produce, perform, …..A great idea, a new strategy, a new product or solution – how to make it come alive? During iiii-Fest 2019 you can learn much more about incubation and also about conception, pre-incubation and after-care. iiii-Fest 2019 will feature examples of everything you need to make your ideas come alive & be successful.
Photo (c) Chad Kirchoff

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iiii-Fest Industry 4.0 & Education 4.0 – Will our World Really Change so Rapidly
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South Africa is at a crossroads – while many problems out of our history have been addressed, we still have a long way to go to play our part in the global arena. Like with soccer, with music, with dance – we need to discover our talents and make sure they are properly developed until they come to full blossom. Lets have a look at what drives the world, how IT (Information Technology) plays an important role in everyones life – and how you can become part of that even more.
We kindly invite Professionals, Entrepeneurs, Scholars, Students and alike to join us for this exciting seminar, which is one of our iiii-Fest activities, to become one of the Future-Oriented- Persons (FOP’s) which our world so desperately needs. Our three eminent speakers will show you around into the life at the other side, towards a futurewhere Artificial Intelligence, Life Long Learning and other developments will impact our lifes.
The iiii-Fest 2019 is brought to you by our partners and is all about:information – information exchange, learn-by-doing & more…interaction – meet, engage, unite, collaborate, communicate & more…innovation – Internet of Things (IoT) – Internet Commerce & more…incubation – prepare, produce, perform …..

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The Challenges of Our Learning Society Preuzmi ovu značku znanja

The owner of this badge joined the presentation The Challenges of Our Learning Society - Why We need to Refocus during iiii-Fest 2019. The content of the presentation: South Africa is at a crossroads – while many problems out of our history have been addressed, we still have a long way to go to play our part in the global arena. Like with soccer, with music, with dance – we need to discover our talents and make sure they are properly developed until they come to full blossom. Lets have a look at what drives the world, how IT (Information Technology) plays an important role in everyones life – and how you can become part of that even more.
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03 Liebenberg Rd, Gelvandale, Port Elizabeth, 6020, South Africa


#internet der dingen
Aktivnosti: 6
Započeto: 3
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Eastern Cape Region of Learning
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