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YOUMOBIL - share your journey experiences

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YOUMOBIL - share your journey experiences

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You have a great time during your travelling as part of the YOUMOBIL project? That´s great. Please share your insights with us and the world. As part of the programme, we want to ask you to report about your journey on social media as well as to provide us a written feedback of your adventure.
So please:
  • report about your journey on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, etc.) with videos, pictures,blogs, podcasts, drawings or songs – the choice is yours!
  • evalute your experiences and write a feedback of one page of your experience. Keep in mind that we would especially like to hear your experiences concerning the infrastructure. Please also put your name, age, place of interest and the link to your social media profiles on it.
SPECIAL TIP: Check the resources below for tipps concerning writing and feedback and posting on social media
Please send us your feedback via e-mail.

Preuzmi značku znanja aktivnosti

YOUMOBIL - share your journey experiences Preuzmi ovu značku znanja

You have a great time during your travelling as part of the YOUMOBIL project? That´s great. Please share your insights with us and the world. As part of the programme, we want to ask you to report about your journey on social media as well as to provide us a written feedback of your adventure.
So please:
  • report about your journey on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, etc.) with videos, pictures,blogs, podcasts, drawings or songs – the choice is yours!
  • evalute your experiences and write a feedback of one page of your experience. Keep in mind that we would especially like to hear your experiences concerning the infrastructure. Please also put your name, age, place of interest and the link to your social media profiles on it.
SPECIAL TIP: Check the resources below for tipps concerning writing and feedback and posting on social media
Please send us your feedback via e-mail.
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#give constructive feedback
#reflect on actions
#reflect on learning process
#write English
#monitor infrastructures
Learning to learn
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YOUMOBIL - My interrail adventure
Kreirano na Entdecke Deine Möglichkeiten im Ausland
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