Get ready to learn about the importance of personal profile!
This activity will help you with self-knowledge and self-evaluation that will give you awareness of your skills and abilities, interests, personal preferences, expectations, own values, and life experiences.
This training session will help you:
- To be aware of your own skills, knowledge, professional attributes, interests, values.
- To know what aptitude/skills tests and interest tests exist.
- To be aware of the limitations of tests and the ability to interpret the results.
Complete the following activities:
- Take handouts: Find a person who and ask for signatures of others next to the proposed interests in the appropriate space provided within the table.
- Take handouts Incomplete sentences and finish the sentences without thinking too much.
- Use the handouts: Value Cards and think and write down what value from the value cards relates to each sentence. You can also add values that are not on the list.
- Use the handouts: Diamond ranking and place the value cards on the diamond sheets according to personal importance/relevance while having in mind the previous tasks.
- Get familiar with the handouts: SWOT analysis sheet and fill in the sheet.
This activity includes best practices of Jaunimo karjeros centras provided for the project DARE - Day One Alliance for Employment that is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment.