Values, Rights, Culture
Sexuality is a multifaceted aspect of human existence encompassing various dimensions such as understanding of the body, emotional attachment, gender, sexual orientation, and reproduction. It is complex, influenced by social, cultural, and biological factors, and plays a crucial role in shaping individual identities and communities. Comprehensive Sexual Education is vital in providing young people with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for navigating their sexual development in a respectful and informed manner, amidst societal and cultural complexities.
In this chapter, we will share with you the fundamentals of Comprehensive Sexual Education. These fundamentals are like soil where it can grow. We will dive into big concepts, such as values and rights, historical perspective, and power, to name a few. We believe it is important to start here because all the content you will discover along the Theoretical Framework and through the Cards Activity is built on our common understanding and relationship with these concepts.