The forum's main objective is to finalise drafting policy recommendations by the young people on the topics
chosen by them. The forum seeks to bring together young people and youth workers to work together on a set of policy recommendations that will be presented to local and European decision-makers. The recommendations will be related to:
- mental health,
- inclusion,
- participation,
- sustainability and
- non-formal learning.
The topics were derived from International Research done by the partners of the "Youth Co-Design Cities and Regions of Learning project", within the Cities and Regions of learning family. The topics were later on discussed during the study visit in Cagliari and finalized during the Youth Seminar in Lorca. All activities, part of a 2-year long project exploring learning, career and civic learning pathways of young Europeans.

And now we are just a step away from our final even - Youth Forum in Germany, where we will finalise the youth recommendations and then dissiminate them on local, national and EU level. And YOU are a main part in this equation.
So before we meet, some preparations are in order. Look at the resources shared with you and answer the questions below:
- What are policy recomendations?
- How do we write policy recomendations?
- Why do we need policy recomendations?
- Can YOU make an impact in your local community, how?
- What topic is most relevant for you and why?
And don't you worry! You will not be alone in this process. During the Youth Forum, there will be a planned set of activities, helping you discuss and form policy recommendations important to you.
But as you might know already... a little preparation never hurt nobody!