Welcome to the Cities of Learning Network’s Virtual Exchanges, an opportunity for young people from all Cities, Regions and Islands of Learning to connect, exchange, have fun and learn together!

This exchange, called Youth mobilities 101, has the goal to connect young people coming from several cities, regions and islands of learning, in order to share information about the opportunities for international youth mobility available to them through the Erasmus+ programme and our Cities and Regions of Learning Network.
Together, we will:
- learn about the opportunities for international youth mobility available through the Erasmus+ programme, such as youth exchanges, training courses and volunteering projects
- discuss how to apply for such activities and what to expect
- share the opportunities for learning, exchanging, volunteering and active participation aimed at young people within the Cities and Regions of Learning Network
- explore digital Open Badges for learning recognition
- have fun and meet people coming from different European countries
The Virtual Exchange will start at 17:30 CEST on Zoom and it will last approximately 1h30.
This activity is aimed at young people aged 16-30 coming from any of the Cities, Regions and Islands of Learning.
To participate, register HERE (https://bit.ly/VE2109)
Find out more about Erasmus+ Virtual Exchanges: