Welcome to the Cities of Learning Network’s Virtual Exchanges, an opportunity for young people from all Cities, Regions and Islands of Learning to connect, exchange, have fun and learn together!

This exchange, called World Refugee Day (Youth Goal #3), has the goal to connect young people coming from several cities, regions and islands of learning, in order to learn about the 11 European Youth Goals and specifically about goal #3: Inclusive Societies, by taking the opportunity of World Refugee Day 2024, this year dedicated to Storyteller Celebration, to reflect on migration, refugees’ experiences, stories or resilience, and ask ourselves the question: how can we help build a more inclusive and welcoming European society?
Together, we will:
- learn about the 11 European Youth Goals and especially #3: Inclusive Societies
- reflect about the phenomenon of migration and about refugees’ experiences, through storytelling, role-playing and online activities
- discuss how Europe can become more inclusive and welcoming as a society
- share experiences and insights on the topic
- explore digital Open Badges for learning recognition
- have fun and meet people coming from different European countries
The Virtual Exchange will start at 17:00 CET on Zoom and it will last approximately 1h30.
This activity is aimed at young people aged 16-30 coming from any of the Cities, Regions and Islands of Learning.
To participate, register HERE
Find out more about Erasmus+ Virtual Exchanges: