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Digital Transformer Days - International BarCamp on Digital Youth Work

Thursday, June 24, 2021 12:15 - 13:00
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Digital Transformer Days - International BarCamp on Digital Youth Work

Thursday, June 24, 2021 12:15 - 13:00


The Digital Transformer Days focus on the digital future of youth work and learning mobility. The two days BarCamp enables international exchange among peers on good practice and innovation. You are invited to participate in a mix of sessions with experts and practitioners in education, youth work, digitalisation, virtual and augmented reality and artificial intelligence.

Round 2 "CITIES AND REGIONS OF LARNING - Unique Learning Pathways with Playlists and OpenBadges ":
With Cities and Regions of Learning we build in an international consortium a digital platform which maps learning opportunities and provides opportunities for people to pursue their passion or learning goals in a flexible and open way. It brings possibilities for learning providers to offer local or digital activities and digital learning playlists. Additionally the platform generates Open digital badges for every activity or playlist to foster the recognition of learming experiences. So far the platforms are currently available in more than 32 cities around the globe. Each city is developing its own learning ecosystem, based on the needs of the community.

Ontvang een activiteitenbadge

Digital Transformer Days - International BarCamp on Digital Youth Work Behaal deze badge

Badge informatieAanbevelingen
This is a badge for an online BarCamp session during the Digital Transformer Days.

The online BarCamp offered participants opportunities for:
  • networking
  • discussing and exchanging ideas on a peer-to-peer level about their experience
  • sharing practices how they tackle changes and challenges brought to digital and virtual solutions

Earners of this badge shared their learning and reflections based on the content of this opening session.

The Network of Cities and Regions of Learning offered validation and recognition of learning using digital Open Badges.
Om deze badge te verdienen dien je 1 taak te voltooien
Taak nr.1
Bewijs bevestigd door: één activiteitenorganisator
Which idea do you like most about the Cities and Regions of Learning network?
Taak nr.2
Bewijs bevestigd door: één activiteitenorganisator
Where do you see challenges for yourself in using the platform and its tools (playlists, badges, ...)?
Internationaal en intercultureel
Toegevoegd aan playlist (0)


Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
Badgecraft host dit platform en ontwikkelt het samen met toonaangevende educatieve organisaties. Het programma Erasmus+ van de Europese Unie heeft cofinanciering verleend voor de bouw van de eerste versie van dit platform. Neem contact op met support@badgecraft.eu.
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Mede gefinancierd door het Erasmus+ programma van de Europese Unie