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Monday, February 21, 2022 10:00 - Feb 25, 13:00
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Monday, February 21, 2022 10:00 - Feb 25, 13:00


The future depends on what we do in the present (Mahatma Gandhi). So let's continue with being conscious about what we do right now! And what we need to be prepared for the future that we want to create for ourselves and the young people we work with.

This online course will help you to focus on the futures thinking, explore future youth skills, learn digital tools and methods to develop these skills. It’s a chance to network with inspiring colleagues and organisations. This is the first training of the three-training series “Future Skills Now!” You can apply for participating only in one training or join the entire series of courses, taking place as residential training courses preliminary on 24-30 April and 3-9 July 2022. 

NOTE! The first training is being converted to ONLINE, consisting of learning on the online platform in combination with synchronous group meetings on the Zoom platform from 10:00 to 13:30 every day from the 21st to 25th Feb.  

The Network of Cities of Learning is organising a training course and we are inviting future leaders to join our course FUTURE SKILLS NOW!

Why should you join?
  • Explore skills and competences that young people need to be future-ready
  • Learn how to assess youth skill needs and aspirations for future life and careers
  • Experience and learn practical methods on future skills development
  • Exchange good practices of developing 21st century skills in diverse learning settings
  • Build contacts and network with other youth leaders and youth workers in Europe

What should you expect?
  • A week of exciting learning with people from more than 9 countries
  • A combination of individual and group learning, activities with the local team, online interaction with youth leaders and youth workers from other countries
  • Opportunities to try out and learn new digital tools for learning, communication and active participation
  • A possibility to create new learning pathways in the frame of Cities of Learning
  • To develop innovative approaches and methods through developing professional competences of youth leaders and youth workers. 
  • A long-term project that enables to create opportunities for youth workers competence development and then to transfer their learning to practice during the follow-up activities locally. 
  • Increasing the capacity of your organisation and ultimately creating benefits to young people.
  • Your 21-st century skills development is up-to-date following the best practice examples, so that your youth work sector would not only stay relevant to young people and communities, but also take leadership in embracing and creating a future to come. 
  • Your youth work organisation to have capacity to address urgent needs and emerging opportunities of current realities with a long-term vision in mind.
  • A long term training course with 2 other trainings to join

21-25 February 2022

Zoom and Cities of Learning platform, Lithuania

Who is expected in the group of learners? 
  • Youth leaders and youth workers above 18 years old
  • Motivated to improve their future skills and of those they are working with 
The international activities will be carried out in English and will require a sufficient level of communication in English.

Note, that in case the next training editions in April and July will be residential, we can cover costs only for those participants, coming from Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Slovenia,Sweden, Romania and the UK.  

The Future Skills Now! training is co-funded by Erasmus+.

Contact facilitators Future Skills Now training: 
Sandra Zoomers sandrazoomers@gmail.com
Nerijus Kriaučiūnas info@nectarus.lt
Laimonas Ragauskas laimis001@gmail.com

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The owner of this badge took part in the international online training course Future Skills Now! in February 2022. During this training, the learner has been:
  • Exploring skills and competences that young people need to be future-ready
  • Learning how to assess youth skill needs and aspirations for future life and careers
  • Experiencing and learning practical methods on future skills development
  • Exchanging good practices of developing 21st-century skills in diverse learning settings
  • Building contacts and networking with other youth leaders and youth workers in Europe
The Cities of Learning Network partners organised this training activity with the Erasmus+ co-funding.
Задание номер 1
Выдан организатором или посредством сканирования QR-кода
Participate in at least 60% of training activities on Zoom, Miro and Cities of Learning platforms.
Earn at least 3 out of 5 badges available during this training.


#plan future capacity requirements
#identify skills gaps
#develop personal skills
#research your target community
#use learning strategies
#promote youth work in the local community
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Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
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