Thessaloniki city of learning
#environmental sustainability, #environmental science, environmental protection, #environmental law, #stimulate environmental awareness, #evaluate historic climate changes, #vpliv podnebnih sprememb, #self-reflection, #observe information, #analyse information, #ecology, #ekološka načela, #energy, #energy saving, saving energy, #team working, #share information, #Think sustainably, #present data, #saditi drevesa, #izvajati okoljske akcijske načrte, #team-working, #present data, #environmental sustainability, #environmental science, environmental protection, #Think sustainably, #Critical thinking, #evaluate historic climate changes, #zapomniti si informacije, #navduševati za naravo, #working in a team, #ecological and economical changes in society, #energy saving, saving energy, #observe information, #sun energy, #saditi drevesa, #izvajati okoljske akcijske načrte, #team development, #environmental laws, #environmental regulations, #action environmental management plans, #active listening, #analyse information, #pripravljati zasaditvene površine za zasaditev, #share information, #vpliv podnebnih sprememb, #ecology, #informacijska in komunikacijska tehnologija, #ekološka načela, #sončna energija, #self-reflection, #share information, #energy, #manage team work