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Cities of Learning Community Call: Celebrating learning

Thursday, December 12, 2024 15:00 - 16:00
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Cities of Learning Community Call: Celebrating learning

Thursday, December 12, 2024 15:00 - 16:00
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Join December 2024 Cities of Learning Community Call. During the call, we will celebrate excellence by announcing and honouring the winners of the Cities of Learning Youth Goals Awards, recognising their outstanding contributions and initiatives within the network. We will also explore key resources developed in 2024, showcasing the main tools, guides, and materials designed to enhance learning, recognition, and collaboration across the Cities of Learning community. Additionally, we will look ahead to 2025, discussing our shared vision, strategic priorities, and plans for the coming year, with a focus on how we can collectively drive greater impact and foster innovation in the recognition ecosystem.

In the upcoming community call we wish to:
  • Announce and honour the winners of the Cities of Learning Youth Goals Awards, recognising outstanding contributions and initiatives.
  • Present the main tools, guides, and resources developed by the Cities of Learning network in 2024, designed to enhance learning, recognition, and collaboration.
  • Discuss our vision, plans, and priorities for the coming year, focusing on how we can collectively drive impact and innovation in the recognition ecosystem.

Please register to join the community call using the following LINK. 

Find out more about Cities of Learning Network. Check our social media profiles to join the next Cities of Learning Community call: Facebook page and LinkedIn profile.

Cities of Learning Community calls and videos produced thanks to the Erasmus+ co-funding for the Cities of Learning Network's operational capacity grant.

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Badge earner joined conversations about Cities of Learning Network 2024 newest deliverables and explored how and where they can join upcoming activities in 2025.
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Participate in activity. Optional: share what you have learned, discovered and look forward to about the Cities of Learning Network in 2024 and/or 2025.
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Vreme za završetak: 1 sat
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Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
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