3IN Social
#Unternehmertum, #advocate youth work in the local community, #work in groups, #conduct project management, #Find funding, #advocate sustainability, #Applies team work mechanisms, online collaboration, and communication tools, #work in groups, #Ability to encourage and empower young people to recognize if and when the need exists for solidarity in the hosting community and to act on it, #Bedarf der Gemeinde analysieren, #encourage sustainability, #für Nachhaltigkeit werben, #work in groups, #adapt style of communication according to recipient, #adapt styles of leadership, #change leadership styles according to the situation, #make use of leadership abilities for team coordination, #für Nachhaltigkeit werben, #Bedarf der Gemeinde analysieren, #Applies team work mechanisms, online collaboration, and communication tools, #Kommunikationsstil an Empfänger oder Empfängerin anpassen, #speaking about your work in public, #Bedarf der Gemeinde analysieren, #finances, #Budget, #assess project planning, #collaborate in budget planning