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Erasmus+ opportunities

Σφαιρική ΕικόναΣήματα

Erasmus+ opportunities



Our overarching goal in implementing activities to inform people about Erasmus+ opportunities, specifically training courses and youth exchanges, is to empower individuals with the knowledge and resources to actively engage in international mobility, cooperation, and exchange activities. Through these initiatives, our aim is to foster a culture of lifelong learning, intercultural understanding, and personal development among participants. By providing comprehensive information about Erasmus+ opportunities, including the benefits, application processes, and practical considerations, we seek to inspire and motivate individuals to seize these opportunities for their own growth and advancement. Additionally, we aim to promote inclusivity, diversity, and equal access to Erasmus+ opportunities, ensuring that participants from all backgrounds and circumstances can participate and benefit from these experiences.In designing our activities, we have identified several specific goals to achieve:

Increase Awareness: Raise awareness among participants about the diverse range of Erasmus+ opportunities available, including training courses and youth exchanges, and their potential benefits for personal and professional development.

Enhance Understanding: Deepen participants' understanding of the objectives, principles, and values underlying Erasmus+ initiatives, such as promoting mobility, cooperation, and exchange in the fields of education, training, youth, and sport.

Provide Information: Provide participants with accurate and up-to-date information about the application processes, eligibility criteria, and practical aspects of participating in Erasmus+ training courses and youth exchanges.

Promote Engagement: Encourage active participation and engagement from participants through interactive and informative activities that facilitate learning, reflection, and dialogue about Erasmus+ opportunities.Empower
Decision-Making: Empower participants to make informed decisions about their participation in Erasmus+ activities by equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to navigate the application process and maximize their experience.

Facilitate Networking: Create opportunities for participants to connect with peers, experts, and stakeholders in the field of international education and cooperation, fostering collaboration, exchange of ideas, and networking opportunities.

Inspire Action: Inspire participants to take action and seize opportunities for international mobility, cooperation, and exchange, whether through Erasmus+ programs or other initiatives that promote learning and intercultural understanding.

Εκκρεμείς δραστηριότητες

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Informing about training courses
Άγνωστη διάρκεια
Προβολή πλήρους δραστηριότητας


People in this workshop will be informed about youth exchanges. Participants will be informed about:

  • Objectives and Goals: Define the overarching objectives of youth exchanges, such as promoting cultural understanding, fostering personal development, enhancing intercultural communication skills, and building international networks.

  • Participant Selection and Recruitment: Discuss strategies for recruiting diverse participants who represent different backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives. Consider how to ensure inclusivity and equal opportunities for all interested youth.Program Design and Activities: Explore effective program design elements, including the duration, structure, and content of youth exchanges. Discuss various types of activities, workshops, and cultural experiences that can be incorporated to achieve the program's objectives.

  • Logistics and Practical Considerations: Address logistical aspects such as budgeting, funding sources, accommodation, transportation, insurance, visas, and safety measures. Ensure that participants understand the practicalities involved in participating in a youth exchange.

  • Cross-Cultural Learning and Communication: Examine strategies for promoting cross-cultural learning and effective communication among participants from different cultural backgrounds. Discuss potential challenges and ways to overcome cultural barriers.


  • Press 2

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Informing about Youth Exchanges Αποκτήστε αυτό το σήμα

People in this workshop will be informed about youth exchanges. Participants will be informed about:

  • Objectives and Goals: Define the overarching objectives of youth exchanges, such as promoting cultural understanding, fostering personal development, enhancing intercultural communication skills, and building international networks.

  • Participant Selection and Recruitment: Discuss strategies for recruiting diverse participants who represent different backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives. Consider how to ensure inclusivity and equal opportunities for all interested youth.Program Design and Activities: Explore effective program design elements, including the duration, structure, and content of youth exchanges. Discuss various types of activities, workshops, and cultural experiences that can be incorporated to achieve the program's objectives.

  • Logistics and Practical Considerations: Address logistical aspects such as budgeting, funding sources, accommodation, transportation, insurance, visas, and safety measures. Ensure that participants understand the practicalities involved in participating in a youth exchange.

  • Cross-Cultural Learning and Communication: Examine strategies for promoting cross-cultural learning and effective communication among participants from different cultural backgrounds. Discuss potential challenges and ways to overcome cultural barriers.
Αρ. Εργασίας 1
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Participate in activity.

After the end of the activity time will be given for questions coming from the participants. Also at the same time there will be reflection groups between the participants where people will have the chance to speak a bit more about the information that they received through small groups chatting.

Participants as well will have to answer in given questions that will be made from the speakers that they shared their knowledge. Some of the questions will be:
What are the main objectives of youth exchanges in Erasmus+?
  • How do these objectives align with the broader goals of the Erasmus+ program?Describe the importance of diversity and inclusivity in youth exchanges.
  • How can youth exchanges contribute to promoting cultural understanding and respect for diversity?
    • Explain the role of non-formal learning and experiential learning methodologies in youth exchanges. Provide examples of non-formal learning activities that can be implemented during exchange programs.
    • How can participants develop these skills through cross-cultural interactions and experiences?
    • What criteria should be considered when selecting participants, and how can inclusivity be ensured?
    At the end certificates will be given to the participants for their participation to this workshop.
    Also participants will participate on a Kahoot activity that we will create in order for the activity to be more interactive and people will improve their digital skills.
    Reflection groups in small groups discussing about the information given.


    Komotini 691 00, Greece


    #arrange youth activities
    #assess the development of youth
    #arrange youth activities
    Δραστηριότητες: 2
    Ξεκίνησε: 5
    Η playlist ολοκληρώθηκε: 0


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    Συγχρηματοδοτείται από το πρόγραμμα Erasmus + της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης
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