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Informații despre insignăValidări
The owner of this badge has shown to follow aspirations, to identify its strengths and weaknesses, to believe in its ability, and to shape its future.

The holder of this badge has worked independently and in collaboration with peers in the skill
  • identify things I am good at and things I am not good at
which connects with the skill of self-awareness & self-efficacy from the area of Resources.

How the holder of this badge worked on these skills can be seen in the evidence in the badge tasks. A coach has assessed the completed tasks.

This badge is part of the Entrecomp, the European Entrepreneurial Competence framework to improve the entrepreneurial capacity of European citizens and organisations
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: un organizator al activității
Think of your mind as a muscle to be trained. Of course, you need routine and discipline for this. Train it for one week and reflect on the positive changes. Select one or more activities that best fit you from this list:
1. Create a distraction to- do list
2. Meditate
3. Practice mindfulness throughout the day
4. Exercise your body
5. Memorise stuff
6. Read out loud
7. Stay curious
8. Practice attentive listening
9. Perform concentration exercises
Conectați-vă și începeți misiunea


Badgecraft găzduiește această platformă și o dezvoltă împreună cu organizații educaționale de top. Programul Uniunii Europene Erasmus+ a acordat cofinanțare pentru construirea primei versiuni a acestei platforme. Contactați
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Cofinanțat de programul Erasmus+ al Uniunii Europene
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